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Revolved Triangle pose

Revolved Triangle pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)

revolved triangle<posture>
Step your feet wide apart forward and turn your back foot out at 45 degrees.
Square your hips.
Inhale and lengthen your spine from your pelves up through your head.
Exhale, bend forward, hinging at your hips.
Place your left hand on your right foot or on the floor.
Inhale extend from core of pelves out through the crown of your head.
Exhale, beging to twist your torso to the right from your low belly.
Then twust your ribs, shoulders, and head, and lift your right arm to the ceiling.
You can also send your gaze to your right fingertips.

・Improves digestion and circulation
・Tones and streches the calf, thigh, hamstring, and abdominal muscles
・Improves balance
・Develops willpower
・Relieves stress


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